“Hey Daddy”
Yes son.
“When I make my car company, I’m going to put window wipers on the inside and outside of the windows.”
That sounds nice.
“And you get a car for free.”
That’s nice.
“… ok, maybe ten dollars.”
Ok Son.
“Hey Daddy?”
Yes Son.
“Do I have to tell the government that I’m going to make a car company?”
Yes you do Son.
“Oh, I have to change my plans then.” — Car rides with a new father.
Hey Son, what is the temperature out side?
“It’s warmish coldish.”
“I finished my oatmeal faster than you.”
Me. You did?
“Yes, my mouth is bigger.” — Breakfast with a new father.
“Daddy, can I have some dry bacon?”
You mean beef jerky?
“Yes.” — stories with a new father.
“I’m 45 feet tall.”
You are? — car rides with a new father